Wednesday, April 24, 2024

About always reading the news

 "  I have wondered why I am so sleepy, as if there were just the internet, eating something and dozing under a too warm winter blanket. But I have read some news in the internet news site several times a day, so maybe that is a strong influence to my life. The news seem to have a kind of sleepy background. I thought it was ordinary daily life running well, but maybe it is not. Maybe the news journalusts read too many news during their work shift, and so they maybe cannot handle it fully well, and so they maybe produce something harmless enough for media use by living a very sleepy kind of lufe rest of the time. There may be the problem of how to get things running well in the society. That has been my strenght most of my lufe, but it is just theoretical understanding and lots of wisdom of lufe, that too mostly on a general level, but it is not a well working social influence or the like. But one could learn such by reading my texts : see and links from there, or for example read about the skills for a Christmas gnome / elf like life, here at 


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