Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Each one cares one's tasks fully

 "  Some 15 to 35 years ago my step mother like mlm, with whom I haven't associated at all lately, said that she had been thinking of ecocars, that such seemed well possible and that there were a few options and tgat some of them seemed better than others. And it really seemed that she had managed to think of such, which was possible partle because she was interested in science. But then she said that I should think of ecocars on my own, that each one should learn how to develop ecocars. But I do not want to be an engineer. I do not feel well in mathematical kinds of things, I do not like tge dangers tgat technllogy creates, my ways of thinkibg are much more suited to thinkibg of the whole world, the society, wisdom of lufe, healthy skills, teaching, eyc. What lne has figured out on one's iwn ought not be made the work of another, much less of all. Only kniwledge can so be oassed, not professional inclinatiln. Learning vasic skills is different from taking such a job. 

As I as a youbg adult tried to learn about different types of people, at studies the hobbies seemed important extra info. At a hobby, the people seemed of different human types, for example of different professions. Yet at social gatherings the professilns and hobbies seemed important reluable info. Yet the people seem so different that if it is a question of arranging something, each one woukd do differently, have different strenghrs, skills, skill level, maybe also values and culture different. So it seems to be that if slmeone takes care of something, one cannot just pass the task to subordinates, colleagues or the like, especiLly if it isn't their job, and prooably they would not be suited to such a jlb.

From my blog 

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Sincere motivation and career

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