Wednesday, April 24, 2024

From the center to the edges is different from from the edges to the center

 "  I was born and lived my youth in Helsinki which is the capital of Finland. When I in my 30's moved first to Espoo in the capital district and after a few years of living there to Savonlinna in eastern Finland, the background of school education and a very much academically inclined environment plus the point of view emphasizing the task of tve capital and of civiliced wisdom caring tjings well for life in the country and in the world, kind of supported much of the lufe and of it's point of view, so that Savonlinna really was a place whete to reach for high culture by writing and learning about making art. 

But if one would try to make art or handicrafts of a countryside town's way of life and have some school too, and then move to the capital, it does not bring the same strenghts, more like claiming is this square ränttätänttä fighting or what, how could one have yesrs of schooling witvout the healthy ways of living and observational skills of the capital and maybe of other big towns? So it seems that such does not carry to the opposite direction. But it of cpurse depends on the subject, what is central and what not. And basic skills are easiedt to learn as a child for using in everythkng,instead of judt passing some test based on having read of such. 



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