Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Magnifient looking home

 "  In the Yle news today https://yle.fi/a/74-20085241 there were seemingly tens of years old pictures of a claimed recent triple-murder in a village with a church related name quite near here. The home looking just ashtonishing magnifient, like I guess happens often with the homes of such valuing wise arts oriented religious elderly, which I guess is often the reason for elderly getting ill and to hospital or being clearly murdered, since many young people long for peace for their own lufe's feacturelessness, so some wish for such a position. Fracturelessness is a different thibg from a high skill level. Skills one can learn via practise across time, if one is sincerely interested in such thibgs and in values suppirting them, and in following civiliced values, wisdom of life, etc. Fracturelessness and peace on tge other hand are a question of one fitting to where one lives, takibg into account what obe's values, dreams, ways of living, being social, skills, likibgs, daily lufe, thibgs done and aimed at, etc, are like. 

About making a home magnifient looking, see my book https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html 

About high skills and harmony via valuing nature, see my blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com 

About safety, fracturelessness and a place in the world, read my very long Christmas gnome skills text, starting at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 . I guess one ought to read it when one is interested in such. 

Having peace for a family of one's own is often a question of whether such is largely wished for. Me having children of my own has always been strongly opposed and much sabotaged, people thinking that wise people do not suit as parents. Many seem to think that it is better for me to write advices on skills, wisdom of life and a theoretical picture of the world for some 20 years than say them to a child who most likely does not follow those values as an adult, and whose task it sjould not be to invest one's working years into writing about them for others. 

Likewise many other dreams of many depend on supporting ways of living, values, etc, which make such possible for many, like is wished for in the world and good for the world. So many professions or dream like things in life have also an occult side, as if keeping company and teaching such things to others interested in such skills too. 


From my blog LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 

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