Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Of the Richest

 "  I once saw a newspaper article of pictures of founders of famous companies, and those seemed to have a way of making certain areas of life work well. Like the founder of Rise Crispies children's mirning cereals foid company had some wisdom with which to make family's mornings work out well, so via his product hemanaged to offer that good side to many who longed for such. I do not temember the others, but those too had slme personal wisdom, which then was offered to the public as a strenght brought by their product.

A moment ago I found this video of the richest families in America, and haven't watched mire than the beginning. But it too seems to bring the impression that those familues had some view, way of lufe, valyes, wisdom, work motivation, a place in the world as social persons, which made some areas of lufe work well, carry well, abd so thry were good influencies for certain kinds of companies or industrues work, for the workers, for support of producing such in practice. And so they were maybe singers or other influence for such professions, but nit necessarily watching tjibgs from the point of view of a leader, more like from the point of view of such profession's good worker.

15th of April 2024   "Palmistry

 Yesterday in I saw recommended a vudeo of palmistry, but did not look at it. It had a picture of a woman and of her palms side by side. And so side by side the person's palms seemed to say, what kibd of workkng lufe she was inclined toward, what kind of content to life and work liad she was good at bearing. And those looked like a queen's hands: eating bakery, getting support from nunns while caring for impirtant matters requiring a very good understanding and high skills, caring for the whole. 

My palms do not look at all like that when I watch them side by side. My palms seem to refer to woodwork and to the life of singing birds, unified with walks in the nature, somewhat like a painting recommends. On the other hand I have never quite understood why one coukd not live one's lufe that way. 

"   From 

The upper line could also be interest in the lufe of male Orthodox monks or priests, kind of with woodwork interest too

My feet 

This video promises to be a palm reading of billionaires, together with teaching signs of tge rich's features


Oh, I did not like that video.

Here is another, I guess made by people who arrange big music concerts.

There was also a short video of an X singn between these two long lines of one's hand, and as a writer of teaching material in skills, talents and wisdom of life, it brought to mind one's likibgs in lufe experience and ways of living supporting what one had learned from reading wisdom that one is interested in, so one was more talented, more with wisdom of lufe, kibd of better intelligence in learning such higher wusdom. Such is needed here in a cold climate in weather skolls and wisdom of lufe supporting them.



From my blig 

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Sincere motivation and career

 If one does not feel some type of work or area of life to be right for obeself, one often survives such through cursorily, as if reaching f...