Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Public visibility and each person's comfort zone

 "  I noticed that one cannot show by one's example what to do, how to live etc, if one's own comfortable liked areas of life and main ways of doing and living are outside what is possible for each member of the audience at least part time. So for me such tasks do not suit, especially not internationally, since my comfort zone is in the Finnish climate and with the educated picture of the world along. Anyway, it often seems that for example my profile pictures start to look like some other type of people or that I myself get influencies from too lazying hot weather like ways of living. 

So if your comfort zone suits some area, maybe you could suit publicity there. One can read these texts of mine as kind of theoretical advices, like people interested in the nature sciences usually have the skills for. 


8th of March 2024   What I have learned of publicity mostly during the last few years when I have watched internet videos and written of the skills of Christmas gnlmes, is that there is some occult side to it, which influences lives hugely and ought to be taken into account if one only knew of it. The basic framework seems to be that the world is of spirit. Watching a music video that fascinates lneself may make one wish to take part in such a performance, kind of try to express one's own version of such, and somehow it gets intertwined with the performer. So it seems that someone who made, perfor.ed in a very much liked music video or somehow sich that other want to take part in it as if in a discussion that is unpbjectively free, the performer seems to have gotten caught in endlessly repeating the same performance, or is it mice or pets or so making the variation to it. Likewise in public visibility, kind of making the official in dight discussions etc of subjects, seems to be like a platform for each one in the audience interested in the subjevt to make their own versions of it and maybe express them somehow via the public forefigure kn it. So such public tasks are only gor the learning of the wide audience, so those aim at using basic flat language, basic school type of rationality etc, while the forefigure hss kind of disappeared under the influrncies. And such seems to be very much the case in tv, to which changing yo internet would smallen the presumed audiences. But anyway, it seems that a public fihure often cannot be a tjinker, instead yhere are the masses' chaos deciding or it's common skill level and viewpoint. Anyway, to elderly often happens that they make something with better quality than as younger  so they too get overrun by the wish of others to speak on top of their subject to practice skills, to get heard, to mention about poinrs to take into account, and so they are not in sight, but instead the people talking are, and so the person in publicity isn't often affecting almist at all, and so the imoressions tell of the discussion nstead of the elderly person, and so the elderly person often gets bypassed. In a video, if one refers to it by song's name or whatever flat short, there often is lots of lufe happening, while in a fact text there maybe isn't almost anything more than the words and the experiences of the readers, so it makes no sense to keep the writer along while reading. 

From my blig 

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