Wednesday, April 24, 2024

There may be other reasons for emphasizing engineering than the need for engineers

 "  Now as 52 years old and watching things from the points of view of other more complex areas of life. It seems that technology has developed so much during my lufetime, that if already in the 1990's computers were able to develop new math faster than humans, it is likely that niwadays the kind of artistic looks of some superhypercomputer or whatever, serk to explain that engineering really has advanced far, and so one should recheck the need for engineers etc. There surely is a need for user help professionals, and for people liking engineering kinds of things checking that new results too have a human-understandable form. 

But new results seem to be found by some few who are very much so inclined, kibd of trying to learn what kibds of things others invented. And user-friendliness features are needed too. 

But on the whoke it seems that a large part of why engineering studies are too often recommended to those with a good thinkibg ability, is that goibg diligently through too simple theory, that one is not especially motivated toward, be it engineering or school or some other theoretical understabding, makes one typically in the daily lufe speedy and observe quickly and well senses open, at least seen things, which is needed for driving, good at sports, gives good way of makkng observations for more finely tuned wise areas of lufe lije arts, religion, practical life, picture of the workd, etc, which is very much needed instead of yheblurred rough mimics of such ubderstanding and observatiobs. 

The 1940's and the first Moon flight 1969 brought lots of engineering influencies, and so there is a need for a good objective picture of the world with engineering too understood in it. 


See also 


26th of March 2024, Tuesday of the Easter week   How to fix a stuck engineer, see 


From my blog 

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