Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Magnifient looking home

 "  In the Yle news today https://yle.fi/a/74-20085241 there were seemingly tens of years old pictures of a claimed recent triple-murder in a village with a church related name quite near here. The home looking just ashtonishing magnifient, like I guess happens often with the homes of such valuing wise arts oriented religious elderly, which I guess is often the reason for elderly getting ill and to hospital or being clearly murdered, since many young people long for peace for their own lufe's feacturelessness, so some wish for such a position. Fracturelessness is a different thibg from a high skill level. Skills one can learn via practise across time, if one is sincerely interested in such thibgs and in values suppirting them, and in following civiliced values, wisdom of life, etc. Fracturelessness and peace on tge other hand are a question of one fitting to where one lives, takibg into account what obe's values, dreams, ways of living, being social, skills, likibgs, daily lufe, thibgs done and aimed at, etc, are like. 

About making a home magnifient looking, see my book https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html 

About high skills and harmony via valuing nature, see my blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com 

About safety, fracturelessness and a place in the world, read my very long Christmas gnome skills text, starting at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 . I guess one ought to read it when one is interested in such. 

Having peace for a family of one's own is often a question of whether such is largely wished for. Me having children of my own has always been strongly opposed and much sabotaged, people thinking that wise people do not suit as parents. Many seem to think that it is better for me to write advices on skills, wisdom of life and a theoretical picture of the world for some 20 years than say them to a child who most likely does not follow those values as an adult, and whose task it sjould not be to invest one's working years into writing about them for others. 

Likewise many other dreams of many depend on supporting ways of living, values, etc, which make such possible for many, like is wished for in the world and good for the world. So many professions or dream like things in life have also an occult side, as if keeping company and teaching such things to others interested in such skills too. 


From my blog LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 

For comfort * Find a dream job

 "  I saw in Facebook.com this postcard like picture, and I added a link to my Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute www.ChristmasInstitute.info 

"A hug to say

I love you.

A hug to say 

I care.

A hug just 

to let 

you know. 

I will


be there." 

Kind of thinking of such hero like dream jobs as in The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com " 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

"Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" and other books of mine

 See the blog https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html 

Also my book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" might interest many : see https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html 

Many of my other books too may offer workibg life more according to feelings. 

A Christmas Song "I am not seeking for power or glory" + some words about power

 " I added my old video to the middle of this quotation. It is a song from the point of view of thinking large scale profound questions of wisdom of life, and it so helps to create the Christmas time. It is just a beautiful song, not an opinion in a conversation. And it does not agree to give power etc to those who break against such beautiful values. 

 "   D30. 3rd of September 2020   There is a much liked old Finnish Christmas song called En etsi valtaa loistoa, "I am not seeking for power or glory" that tells of the value of things themselves and of wisdom of life instead of grasping only tool like things.

"I am not seeking for power or glory

I am not seeking for power or glory,
I am not searching gold either.
I beg for heaven's light
and peace upon the Earth.
It brings Christmas which brings happiness
and lifts spirit up to god.
Not power nor glory
but instead peace upon the earth.

Allow me a peaceful hut
and children's Christmas tree.
The light of god's words
 in which my soul gets lighter.
Bring to homes, also to small ones
now Christmas celebration sweet.
Light of god's word
and some nobleness of mind.

To the poor and to the rich too
comes Christmas lovely.
To the darkness of the world
bring heaven's light.
I want you, I wait for you
you master of earth and heaven.
To the poor and to the rich
bring your sweet Christmas!"
(my translation)"

From "The Christmas gnomes/elves internet institute" learntalents.blogspot.com 

" *


From my text about women's position, see the link in tge advertisement page of The Christmas Gnones Internet Institute https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/01/christmas-gnome-internet-institute.html 

"Basics of position

W7.   Often one gets along and gets solid position when one respects the values of the area of life at hand and tries to learn it's skills in a good quality way and cultivate them well in ways that respect that area's values and motivation and what livibg in a society needs for the society to be good to live in, now and in the future. 

W8.   What people get position from and how they get treated, is from what they do from momentvto moment, which are the values followed in that, which level of skills in each thing done or thought of, and what is the way of being social, and is it fair, honest, responsible, etc. 


Learning skills which give a higher position

W11.   "If you want a better position, the rule "Live and let others live!" F60. in the Christmas gnome text, followed all the time in everything, with commln sense and lots of wisdom of life, tends to give so lots of freedom as long as one follows the rule with wisdom. It also tends to give a much higher position to decide about things  since things usually run smoothly with such wisdom. 

If you need extra skills to gain position to influence things, try E11. Easy quick school for animals, M8. Like a hero of old times, and N97. Emperor's power. "



N97.   My first name Kaisa has the association "keisari"= emperor. What i have learned from it, is that an emperor's power isn't for a certain person or position but instead for a certain type of deeds, so in practice for many different kinds of persons and for them per deed and not continually. The person should be responsible, wise and skilled enough, work fairly for the good of the country and of the world. 


From https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/01/womens-position-like-that-of-others.html where there are also other texts on the subject.


A quotation from https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/12/about-publicity.html

* * *


I copy the advices in learning skills and talents here too.

F60. Oh, how is gnome like life possible socially, how is it possible to get along and to have room for one's own life, for one's own likings? I guess that the answer is the traditional Finnish rule "Live and let others live!". It is essential, so I copy it here:


Saturday, October 13, 2012

World's best problem solving method (Important to learn all over the world)

 The ruleis something like: One is allowed to be selfish in ways positive for happy life but not to disturb the lives of others - except fairly to prevent them from disturbing others unfairly.

I do not know how all-European this traditional Finnish speaking Finnish (saying/)behaviour rule referred by the non-literal words "Live and let others Live!" but it is surely worth copying! It gives a maximal amount of freedom of everyone, completely according to their own likings, at the same time as it gives perfect moral for purely selfish individuals concerned mainly about their own life but who have a holistic rational view of the world and of the
society's workings.
The rule "Live and let other Live!" means that you can yourself live as freely as you allow others to live in the society - that means the others who follow the rule "Live and let others Live!". If you to some extend disturb people who follow the saying, you own room to affect things and to live in is shrunk on that respect, preventing the harm and making you think that you might want more room and so be motivated to living in harmony. That means that evil is not allowed to affect lives (of anybody else than the evil one oneself) but nice moral things are allowed to affect fully and supported in order to get better life for all! But one does not need to accept some influence because someone else says it is nice, instead there is the need to be moral and the freedom tofollow one's own likings.
It is a good rule. Maybe You have it already! Please learn to use it for happy life and a prosperous society, if it is not so widely known...

About the rule in all social relationships, please read http://yksinaisille.blogspot.fi/2012/03/build-perfect-relationship.html

Observe that this rule is roughly "Room for happy life!" and is akin to justice and caring the world to such that it is good to live in happily. It is not saying that one should not kill anybody. It means that if fair play and the happiness in the society or in the wide world so demands, you are supposed to prevent evil ones (and utterly stupid ones) from harming others unfairly, also if it means war, killing or the like, but of course one must see the situation as a whole, the good and bad sides of each tactic and choose with wisdom.

There is this same rule without any exception in all relationships, including mother-child-relationships, dating (Try for example in competitors in love, their kids and other responsibilities), friendship, hate, not caring attitude etc. Largely other rules are not needed, except lots of common sense, healthy spirit and a good understanding and at least some good will toward all.

An important application of this rule are the relationships between countries and between groups which may compete fiercely. It is also a good rule to build the society upon.

It often happens with this rule that the problems disappear as if they had vanished to the thin air.
Typically some woman (a wise one) or some nice man says "Go and enjoy yourself. Do not be bothered by them. You do not need to disturb them if you go to some other place or to some other people." and so the person in conflict does so and finds so room for him/her to live his/her own life without conflict with the others.

The goal is something like "We live our lives and let them live theirs." But the other side of the rule is how to get it to apply, how to force it upon people who do not follow it. And that is if they break against justice disturbing the lives of others unfairly, their own room to live in is shrunk similarly and they are prevented from harming others unfairly. But where they live ok, they can fairly keep their space to live in. Typically in this the rest of the society caring about that people would follow the rule, is important. Also some wisdom of life makes this work better than too little understanding about quality of life, social relationships and the workings of the society.

If this rule isn't familiar to you and you don't know how to take it into use or even if you want to use it or not, please try it out in your mind: figure out what it is like in each situation and how following it would affect things. It is a very useful rule, somaybe you like it too, it is quite easy when you have first learned it in each type of situation.

If you in some occasion don't feel like yur feelings coming along in letting others have so much room and preferably happiness too, you have propably not applied the rule enough to yourself: so be more selfcentered, think about what your own life need in a situation like this and see if you can arrange freedom and happiness for both yourself and for others, for yourself you need to take care of it and for others just leave room for them and they themselves with their friends arrange for themselves without feeling it being a burden of some kind.

This rule works also if there are lots of murders http://healthilymoral.blogspot.fi/2016/10/live-and-let-others-live-also-if-there.html

In care professions, like for example medicine, it is important to follow good enough understanding, good enough moral and be honest about what is a lie, a habit or an unsure supposion. But with wider consequencies taken fally into account this rule applies there too: the patients and others cared for should be allowed to decide fully about their need for care and about the decisions in their care: that is their life, their own influence to the world and those in care professions should not mess with it, giving excuses for crimes. It is especially important to let those live freely who are moral and so carry the burden of keeping the world in a good state, for example some parts of the society.

This rule works well for example in the negotiations between different groups. You do not need always say aloud that things are according to this rule. It is enough if your suggestions are such that when other groups check them, they find that those are ok for them, so they can easily agree to support them, and likewise for your own groups too. But on the long run it is good for people to learn the rule, so that their own suggestions are all right for others too.

Following this rule in decisions, courses taken, judgements etc makes police and justice system and government also easy to agree about, but you do not need to refer to this rule, but more likely explain things in terms of law, needs, objective thoughts, common sense, experience, fair play, carrying responsibility, freedom, etc and then when the other person checks whether it is ok for him/her, it is according to this rule and so easy to agree about, and kind of makes it easier to think of these kinds of things if one has good enough understanding, wisdom wisdom of life, healthy spirit, good will and responsibility about the coming generations etc.

Horse running in an arch, a model of free life according to feelings, a horse knit picture

Animals and somehumans too learn this rule easily by comparing people (and animals) to the trees in a park: each one has one's branches sovereign, lives freely according to one's emotions so, but does not mess with the branches of others, isn't allowed to do so. But one can offer available things that people like, like for example a song in the radio, in a radio station which specializes to that type of music so that people can choose according to their likings whether they listent o it or not.

"   https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2012/10/live-and-let-others-live.html

E11.   20th of September 2020    Maybe a gnome too could learn this way:

"Easy quick school for animals, especially pets and birds

 Animals which associate closely with humans, especially pets, ofr example dogs, sometimes ask if there could be a school for animals too. I have written advices about learning common sense like objective thinking and about fitting into the society, so here is my version of a kind of school for animals:

1) Thinking: use a landscape like view that observes structures. Good practise for this is looking at familiar scenes and landscapes with trees and some life in them. Trees and nature make observation ability better and join the sense of sight topgether with the sense of atmospheres, which is also good for thinking. http://quickerlearning.blogspot.com

For teaching this to a dog that is interested in learning it, go outdoors to some peaceful enough place where there are trees but not overly amess. Do not strand face to face by your pet but instead side by sode so that it looks at the same landscape as you, and so you can look at it so that it sees it the same way and then you can walk to a bush, tree, street's side lawn etc like observed firstm, and that's it.

2) Fitting into the society: The advice "Live and let others live!" is good for this. Think of each person and each group sovereign as the trunk and branches of a tree in a park. It does not mess with the branches of other trees and those too leave it alone, to freely and happily live it's own life. Good will toward others is a good advice here. https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2012/10/live-and-let-others-live.html

 Another piece of advice is for all to work for better life in a better living environment, like work, hobbies, friends, caring for the environment, making the society good to live in. https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2013/04/rationally-grounded-moral.html

3) Wisdom of life and healthy ways of living you can partly learn from how tree branmches curve topward light and what is their atmosphere, the mood it seems to refer to and the kind of life, and partly from sport and healthy kind of life on all areas of life.

* * *

There are also some other things that have often come to my mind when thinking of a school for animals, especially for pets and birds, maybe for mice too.

4) About teaching an animal to read there is a video about reading Finnish language at https://villakoirabanjo.blogspot.com/2020/01/opeta-elaimesi-lukemaan-nain.html , but for it one must first understand spoken language, which often goes by associating with humans and paying attention to the situations and tones of voice, and later by remembering also the atmospheres of the spoken language. Finnish language is written like it is pronouced, but there are some differencies between literature's language and the words of spoken language.

5) The square looks of houses etc are a consequence of it being so easy to place two or more parts next to each other tightly and so that one can choose from nay options, what to place so. So one can build shelter from weathers and from dangers and use materials economically. Such houses also offer fiar chances for different types i´of individuals and a possibility for privacy. The square looks of houses are not good for intelligence and quality of life. For them it is good to look at trees outside the window. If life indoors feels tough, do not attach yourself to build things but instead only to the nature outside the window and to outdoors at large.


M8.   1st of June 2022    I wonder could one be like a hero of old times but in these modern ages if one read kn part 2. the text About Kalevala B38., and in the beginning of this blog about how to learn talents and skills, and maybe the Easy quick school for animals E11., and if one would look at healthy natural ages old ways of living from the point of view of basic theoretical picture of the world like the sciences. 

B38.   "

About kalevala

"I bought Kalevala as a book to myself and read some of the beginning. In the competition singing of Väinämöinen and Joukahainen I was surprised to notice that Joukahainen did not lack skills so much, but instead Väinämöinen sang him to be things like the glow of the nature, to the marks of great skill in the nature.
   "Hat from the head of the man he sang
   to be an erect front edge of a cloud;
   he sang mittens from his hands
   to be leaves on the cover of pond's water,
   from that misty blue
   to be clouds in the sky,
   from his belt a fascination of a new wife
   to be stars scattered in the sky."
So I was left to ponder, if I as a girl thought when reading kalevala that that is what can happen with great skill: one loses position, propably via losing communication connection when one no longer speaks the language of men with more soldier like style. That I would take care to not to fall myself into that pitfall. But at the same time I thought that I could nearly reach that high, to that style in achievements. Now I think that it is like having met a bird: with it's song it makes forests beautifult o wander in, green, there is much soldier like wisdom in it's voice. 
 But so, how did I think I could reach so high skill and quality of life, like the reddish glow of the grassas in a forest etc. One would have a healthy way fo living or a healthy touch of one's own which would cure the way of life healthy again, to ages old. In every thing one would see the parts of healthy way of life which are as an idea in it, and so the deed when sees alike as others' deeds would be healthy on one's own and on others too, and so one could continue with healthy psirit from that, each one, whole society, and partly the rest of the world lear from it. ( World is of love (a mechanical model) http://healthilymoral.blogspot.fi/2011/08/world-is-of-love.html ) ( http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html )
One would have skills of one's own, one would have found one's own roads in life, it would be good to be an individual, personality, like oneself and strong, enjoying being an individual. And so human relationships would be in a way clishee like and in a way with a healthy spirit: one would have the strenght to have an opinion, do meaningful things, carried by the values of the society, things with healthy psirit carried by the actions and values of the society which have healthy spirit which would have strenght and content to life.
And one could get strenght, skills and integrite with opinions from being soldier like: to defend something, to invest in healthy courses, copying fro little singin birds and fromother strong wild animal persons (http://wildharmony.blogspot.fi/ ). One would be healthily spoirty, doing things at the practical level, with a good understanding achieved via adfmiring the nature and feeling via beautiful values, caring for the world, approaching life with feelings, motivated to the sphere of life and missions of the traditional way of life, with feelings and with a good understanding, reaching parts of the forefigures in nature of their skill level every now and then. (In Finnish http://tunteetjatekemisentapa.blogspot.fi/2016/07/suurista-tunteista.html )

My old video: if you can imagine a skill livelily, you can learn it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAFN4gs35_A


M9.   From my blog todreamjob.blogspot.com


1. To a Dream Job (Like this you find your dream job and learn talents!)

To a Dream Job
 Written by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland
Many of us have different strenghts than what your dream job would need. And the more we admire some professions, the higher demands we often set to ourselves to be allowed something so high. But our own strenghts reflect usually the dreams of our parents, to which we have already gotten introduced so much that we are thoroughly bored, and not what we feel that our own lives have been most lacking, what we most admire and which we would most enjoy our time, which we would most carefully take to our heart and take care of if it were our work. We cannot change to be copies of our parents, so better for us to travel to the unknown toward our own dreams!
Choosing a profession for oneself starts with finding the right way of living: what is your biggest dream, what would perfect life be like, what is the one and only right choise that is often so far that at most in sleeping dreams and tales we dream of it? Set your goals there, take the first steps to that direction with your full heart and with all your wisdom of life, and life is at once much more worth living. If you try with a full heart, that is a different things from somehow, with half a mind only, quickly on the way to something else, just somehow sloppily, just because of the looks and not the content, done. First the idea is to get experience of trhe area of life that you love. You do not need to be of professional level to start with, instead the main thing is to to via your own most loved roads get to know the things you love with your full heart, even if they were distant dreams. Via travelling your own roads you can use your capacity fully and learn as much as you ever can. When setting your goals according to your own wishes,according to those distant dreams, your deeds do not lack spirit: you are at once talented in something that you love. First you have a fascinating hobby, then you start to achieve things that fascinate you in it, set new goals that you love and work for them enthusiastically. This way you do not get flat and bored from memorizing books, instead you have your own style and music like fascinatuion in what you do, real power and own insight and well trainbed skills as  your support in your favourite job, which is like your deepest dreams and not set by the environment you happen to be in, your nonexistent starting leve of skills and your initial lack of talents. So there is nothing stopping you from starting in your favourite job, first maybe as a practising student and across time as a real professional in it!
On this road there helps the piice of advice about learning skills in things that you love:
How to learn all at the same time - drawing and painting"


2. How to learn all at the same time - drawing and painting (Like this you learn all kinds of skills!)

Skills are often ways of looking at things: when one cancentrates in the right way to right things and notices enough the right structures/regularities (like for example colours with their tones and with what they get compared with), then skill is born from it already without really practising it - maybe in five minutes, maybe in 20, maybe from two day's relaxed hobby. But the difficulty is to find that right way of looking, being drown enough in it and to know what that skill really demands.

I have been making advices to others about skills that I can well. With the same principles I ought to be able to make advices for myself about skills that I want to learn. Just for fun I tried this theoretical view to the skill of painting: "What if one could learn it all at the same time?!" In principle one could... Except that some time would be needed for learning to conceive motorics of hands, learning how different colours of paints behave, etc things demanding experimenting. But the basic principle is always the same:

Drown in the experience so strongly that you notice clearly the different tones of the things that you want to learn, for example instead of noticing just red and green, you drown into enjoying the colours and their tones with their impressions so sensitively and experiencing them with your whoke being that you notice even small differencies in tones as clearly as those of colours earlier. The strenght of the experience brings to you vocabulary for that: this is a cold atmosphere, that is a warm social one, what the different things are like, ever better and better noticing such things. Like this you learn to take into account those things. Then just do so and your skill is ok in what comes to that side of things.

All the taime when you do so, when you concentrate to a new side of things, all the time keep your old skills along, for you to get at the same time both your old skills and the new ones. That does not mean keeping to a stuck view or stuck ways, istead it means relaxation in a lively non flat way, reaching a new inspiration, not from dreams but from the fascination of life at the level of experience, which is born of relaxation and of new beginnings, of letting go of old. You can keep your ability to notice the things that your skill consists of, even if you would lose it's formal side totally. Each time you learn something new and the spirit of your skill gets more profound, at the same time as your old skills stay fully.

So what would this mean for me as a beginner without painting skills? One should learn to no5tice forms and colours with their tones, atmospheres, states of mind, harmony, balance, rhythms and their encounters, breaks, what gets compared to what, common spirit and it's complex variations,... And to draw and paint them on paper. So one should drown in the world of colours, enjoy forms and structures, give room for feelings and feel how they affect the way one observes things, get more sensitive to observe how atmosphere connects to what one looks at and how, what associations it brings to one's mind, what role things have in the world and how it brings the spirit to things. One should also learn how to move these to paper: I notice a form/structure, I lift it to be a subject of my concentration and my hand draws a line that reflects the structure in my mind. Superfluous lines are important to drop away in this: not writing, not a language of geometrical forms, instead just a feeling and drownig into it draw a line. Likewise the other sides: a clear image in one's mind and drowning into it drawn/painted shape.

* * *

I noticed that I learned painting well and quickly when in addition to this piece of advice I bladdred through a good quality study book of aquarel painting and was left watching some especially fascinating picture in it, trying toconceive how it was so fine, how it had been painted and why it had so good spirit, how the whole so successfull. Then I left the book open at that place for a couple of days or a few and looked at the fascination of the picture every time I was interested ins uch. Then I painted just something that fascinated me (does not need to be the same subject) partly based on my old skills and learning according tyo the previous advice in skill learning new fascinating things and partly based on what I learned by copying from the picture. Like this after painting a few pictures I knew also new skills quite well.
As far as I know also this piece of advice suits also learning other skills. A good quality study book offers model of a skilled forefigure, who can with her/his style, way of doing and by the things picked to the book teach professionals kills of that area of life. Like this one learns the practices of the profession, it's skills, it's view to the world and even values and it's typical spirit of doing."


24th of December 2023   If there appear to be kind of maybe quite horisontal, somehow square lines in the air, which maybe affect atmosphere and what one can do and how llng social influencies last, those may be a way of mice or the like hide their presence. So you ought to tell the possibly present mice etc near by, what is the reason why some social contact's view is erraneous and ought not be followed, like telling it to a child or the like. You could also teach the Easy quick school for animsls E11. to them. It is in the above collection too. It ought to help a lot. 


From my blog LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

"A wished for feeling of richness connects with succeeding in buying, and not with wasting money against feelings"


 " A wished for feeling of richness connects with succeeding in buying, and not with wasting money against feelings

 A wished for feeling of richness often connects with someone having bought something that they like and which kind of suits them so well that it lifts their life on that area of life more than similar things bought without skills in choosing. It also connects with the liked cloth or whatever being kept well.

Choising right in buying connects with choosing right product based on the colour symbolics, style snd product logo or tge like associations about what extra good sides the oroduct ought to have, to which kind of way of life it is intended, supposing that it is for a large group, for example all youbg men type of values who value blye kind of view. If one sometimes needs more room for feelings, one sometimes buys red. 

Suomeksi asiakkaanavain.blogspot.com 


From my blog LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

See also MiracleLikeNature.Blogspot.com 


From my blog PicturesFromMyHome.BlogSpot.com 

A video "My name is Job. And this is my story."


 I found a good video of work, is it according to the Bible. But I do not understand the subject so well. My impression is that you ought to care the world wisely well too. And that if you value the areas of life of your work, you should let it be seen in your style too. And that if there is an area good at producing something, one might find a job at selling it to the areas by it's borders or in trade relations with it. But on the whole I did not understand so much. 

In the beginning of the video the business seemed much more successful, happy and naturally wisely arranged than some group of workers following the counting of camels etc.  I guess in the first pictures there was a hobby group like business that had grown from a small start, say a few ponies owned by one man on a farm, and they had liked the hobby and had figured out ways to make it possible eclnomically, even as their way of living and earning slme money, and so it had grown as an effort of enthusiastic hobby pals to nearby farms too and included more of various animal friends. 

* * * *

24th of February 2024   I tried to roughly count the texts in this Christmas gnome skills subject. Until the end of September 2023 there were the 33 Christmas gnome skills posts and 3 Christmas elf skills post, together some 1600 pieces of text, which with additions from linked texts made 9 + 3 books and booklets. I tried to roughly estimate the paragrapfs or ideas or subjects in what I have after that written to this blog. Until the behinning of December 2023 there were maybe about 200 new pieces of text, in December 2023 about 100 and in January 2024 also about a hundred, plus some 50 in February 2024. So these all together makes a little bit over 2000 pieces of text, plus the beginnkng of the blog. 


From my blog "Skills of Christmas gnomes"  LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

About safety in long term career choices

 "  I have wondered why some taking care of cattle sound as if it were a good needed characteristic to sound somewhat like a nurse at a health station. But I guess they run so much into accidents and illnesses, both of their own and those of some of the animals. In my experience with quite small animals and humans accidents happen when the physical distance between the humans and animals is too close compared with the amount of attention and lightness of movements in use. So for habitual who does not enjoy one's work such happens often, while to one in wonder of such a beauty, the beauty of such a work but with enough skills and good enough general capacity for driving, moving, learning, being in a group of many, etc such rarely happens. 

But for one to enjoy work, one needs to have also other healthy kinds of things in life, freedom and variation, and so also for others, both humans and animals in civiliced ways, since there ought be no social tangles. Instead there should be some freedom of movement toward better life for all, kind of place for their individual wisdom in the group and possibilitues to enlargen the sphere of life toward other areas of life that suit them. So one also needs possibilities to go to town, have wider social spheres, real library, hobbies, possibility to move to another farm, town, etc like one likes. 

Where does women's wisdom come from


 " Women's Day 8th of March in the spring winter isn't actually a celebration. Instead it is a wish to end the winter cold by women's wisdom if they happen to such have with such an effect too. If a child wants tl be a girl, it is for most or all imporant that one could get a child of one's own and carry it in one's stomach. So the child is asked, do you think that you would be able to care for the child in your stomach so well that it does not die but is healthy and grows like a child ought to, and care for the child when it has born but is still quite youbg, say a few years, and care for your own body and needs so well that you have the strenght and wisdom etc for such and things run well for you, your family and friends, for the social group you live in and also the society and world good for life in the future. And so most women and girls learn to care for such yhings somewhat, have some wisdom of lufe anf common sense and think that such are needed. And so if the world is of spirit, Women's Day in ghe quite early spring can help to end the winter cold and bring spring weathers. 

I guess such is some general wisdom of how is good to live, suited for all, like healthy ways of living and civiliced wisdom, and taking the environment into account, and wishing well in the world - but even mentioning this causes that many try to convince others of the opposite goals as similarly wise advice in life. But it is like a passer-by of a young person or animal saying/thinking "Gees, good ways of doing and taking the environment into account civilicedly, that's life!". Emotional wisdom of life tells whether one feels well or not, so learning wisdom of life about feelings helps in this a lot, but these are complex subjects including wisdom of life, understanding of good ways of doing, of personal differencies, learning, individuality, society level wisdom and one's picture of the world, etc. 


* * *

About giving birth, both in Finnish and in Englush: a healthy happy mother and newborn baby, see at links from https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-healing-advices.html


Of religions and of non-religious being mistaken moral and wise because of lack of social eye

 "  Of religions I have learned that a large part of it is civiluced wisdom, especially wishing well in the wide world, with good quality objectivity supporting it, for example telling that fair play is important kn practice: so like in market economies, one sees what produces what, so it makes it possible to invest in benefical optiobs that the times need. Objectivity is backed up by sensitive observations, civiliced wisdom of good quality and healthy wisdom of life. Often a religious person gets much of one's wisdom and of the presumed effect of one's relugiousness from civiliced wisdom, very large amounts of civiliced wisdom, high quality objectivity, good will in the world, much responsible attitude and lots of wisdom of life.

 But it often happens that others cannot estimate the amount of such wisdom of each individual, and so they jyst mark religion important instead of the values and wusdom important, and so it often happens that they guess something unclear but somehow blurred as if feeling and steady to be religiousness, and so they ghink that they ought to support such kibd of blindly, give it wisdom's place and values' place, and so such an individual often gets lots of social positiln over wisdom and over moral, and so it ends up suppirting shit, evil, social dominance, bacteria, attacks like killing, malicious lies, acting instead of sincere relations, commanding by lues instead of honesty and each individual's own wishes deciding about their lives. So one must jyst say that it isn't religion anymore, it is some lues and sociaö musperceptilns playing on the unaknoledged kniwledge of the world being of spirit and people mostly opposing civiliced values and the good of the future generations. 

From LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

Learning healing

 "  I bought today the domain Www.EasyHealing.info . That was just two days after I had noticed that there no longer is enough safety precautions, shelter for continuing making my Finnish healing blog. So I guess, since the English blog used to disturb too much making the Finnish blog, someone thpught that now is the time to inform of the English blog. 

This thought came to my mind a few hours later or so.

" In learning healing one ought to pay attention to how different things done, associated with, ways of living, social situations, etc affect one's being, the situation and so one's health. Those are kind of cloud like things: the effect of the deed or whatever, and how long it lasts, what is the total effect, like for example what different kinds of foods cause, thinking of when one longs for just that kind of food, for example an orange maybe gets senses open, while a sweet dessert may make it easier to trust one's emotional wisdom of life, and musli sometimes makes it easier to think of farmer's life. Line like markings are usually sosially commanding, so one must discern vetween social bullying and maybe benefical relieving civiliced wisdom as a part of the fact content, but those too have some effects with some atmospheres which slmetimes help to discern what areas of life those are about and so mention more of the effects. 

This blig's way of healing is to suggest as a cure the piece of healthy natyral ways of living and wisdom of lufe according to positive feelings, which people with such an illness often most lack, and teach them like to a beginner. "


"In building and safeguarding living conditions values and quality matter"

  "  As a child I read quite many adventure books, mostly good quality old boys' adventure books, since I liked the Finnish nature and admired wild animals and wanted to be somehow good for the society. Some of the most famous books were Swedish or maybe by Swedish speaking Finns, telling of chilren's lives with gardens and adventures, but beautiful though those tales and views were, those books tended to take away my own experience of our garden, the beauty and naturality of it, like passing under a low apple tree branch just for the enjoyment and natural complexity of it, intertwined with the Finnish traditional civiluced possibilities in life, and instead after reading when one went to the garden such beauty got replaced by unability to enjoy or undersrand such, as if someone had borrowed a famous outer form without understanding the values in it and the need for civiliced rationality to support such, and there was left only some technical form with social obligations more unwisely than before. So adults had mistaken famoys books as wise instead of as beautiful fakes. For a thing to last there needs to be values safeguarding it, upon which it is build and maintained, plus good enough quality, for example school's civiliced wisdom instead of justt fajes and guesses, and for example one shoukd notice that neighbouring individuals often hsve different valyes and different grounds for their position, for example one social and lying and another safeguarding the good of the society and of the world. 

Finnish cultural wusdom or the picture of the world of the nature sciences which my parents were fond of, says that a natural living environment is important for humans and other living beings. Even though most people nowadays live in cities, natural functioning of biological beings and human societues may demand a certain amount of natural elements in the environment, which abd how many and of which kinds snd how much of them may vary a lot between individuals and situations, but it is likely that natural functioning of all the needed sides of ghe society would demand at least some individuals or groups having very natural living environment even if others don't have. Since we cannot predict the future, and in any case, it is good, surest to have at least the traditional forms of natural life and a natural living environment, with which it has been good to live here, so gardens, some recreation areas with forests, lakes, parks, trees, lawns, some grasses and flower pots are needed, likewise local farming without arupt or unwise changes in habits, etc. 

A tree branch in the garden offers varied sensory stimuli when one wishes for such. It is structured and atmospheric with clear concretical characteristics like sturdy or slender young, sensitive or on old good tracks, etc. Such is good for observation abilities which is good for objective thinking and skills, and so good also for school work. 

When I was young, I comoared the rythm of winter or spring time's bush or tree branches to thinking perspectives of different people with their typical fwatures, like long but narrow steps in thinking or short but more practical, and so the different professions had their own meaningfjl typical choices of such, likewise areas of life. 

Sturdy or sensitive etc like the structures and atmospheres of plant's branches, flowers, etc, is good vocabulary for sports skills, especially in sports kinds of variations in ways of doing, but also in perception abilitues, balancing whokes, emotional wisdom of life and how situations develop and choosing healthy courses in lufe situatilns and in single things done while taking into account near future and long term health, happiness and skills. In this sense life resembles things interesting in dance. 

10th of March 2024   A Finnish propaganda song, is it from World War II, but with the above text of mine could help locally all nations and not especially Finland. The name of the song is something like "Throw away your claim of your square skills being better than the skills brought by good quality civiliced wisdom" 

Famous Sovjet cavalry song, with the nature element one ought to reach high, yet it looks very war like, but I watched only the beginning 


From the first part of this blog LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

About always reading the news

 "  I have wondered why I am so sleepy, as if there were just the internet, eating something and dozing under a too warm winter blanket. But I have read some news in the internet news site several times a day, so maybe that is a strong influence to my life. The news seem to have a kind of sleepy background. I thought it was ordinary daily life running well, but maybe it is not. Maybe the news journalusts read too many news during their work shift, and so they maybe cannot handle it fully well, and so they maybe produce something harmless enough for media use by living a very sleepy kind of lufe rest of the time. There may be the problem of how to get things running well in the society. That has been my strenght most of my lufe, but it is just theoretical understanding and lots of wisdom of lufe, that too mostly on a general level, but it is not a well working social influence or the like. But one could learn such by reading my texts : see MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com and links from there, or for example read about the skills for a Christmas gnome / elf like life, here at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2918/09 


How many years of school


(19.2.2024   Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.) 

When I was in school as a child and a teen, the first class was quite interesting and motivating since there were many new things for one's picture of the world and in the first autumn term I learned to read. The second class wasn't so much new things, so it wasn't as motivated and I wondered why there was school without so much new things. The third class got some higher goals from the number 3 being associated with religious wisdom, so it was quite ok and at least at some parts motivating. But on the fourth grade boys wanted engineering lije technical approach a lot and still more and more and it was much too elementary and boring so, without enough wisdom, so I thought such a serious drawback. The fifth year was thought by teachers to be the last thst makes sense to study if one has an ok head and seeks to behave wisely. So that would have been the natyral lenght of such a school. Then still the direction was toward following school taught things, which was the only motivation gor havkng a school. 

But in the sixth grade pupils were no longer interested. They started to be teens and school become an engibeering style rigid form in contradiction with thr pupils' own wusdom of life and their possibilitues of choosing their orofessilnal inclinatiln and future lufe as adults. And so as years passed the school become more and mire narrow, with a feeli g of liw quality, and it no longer was wusdom for lufe. 

Women's view of home

 "  Women's view of home is that it is a kind of car depod?, a carage like space for repair of cars, maintenancy, short pauses and for keeping some needed artifacts, a little bit like the working place of a car repairs man but not so full time work and for so many clients. In a home there are likewise needed nutritients etc, like bensin for a car, and oil etc. The spaces are made good for use and the aim is to be in full intellect, in a good mood and otherwuse good for the actions of the day and of the future too, in good healthy ways. So like a garage maybe needs less dust, people often need that things would be good to look at and good to use and good for life, and the variations between people and things done etc easy and natural to take into account, which typically means that there shoukd be a flower pot or other complex natural decoration object near by, for example on a near by window, pleasant to look at. 


Public visibility and each person's comfort zone

 "  I noticed that one cannot show by one's example what to do, how to live etc, if one's own comfortable liked areas of life and main ways of doing and living are outside what is possible for each member of the audience at least part time. So for me such tasks do not suit, especially not internationally, since my comfort zone is in the Finnish climate and with the educated picture of the world along. Anyway, it often seems that for example my profile pictures start to look like some other type of people or that I myself get influencies from too lazying hot weather like ways of living. 

So if your comfort zone suits some area, maybe you could suit publicity there. One can read these texts of mine as kind of theoretical advices, like people interested in the nature sciences usually have the skills for. 


8th of March 2024   What I have learned of publicity mostly during the last few years when I have watched internet videos and written of the skills of Christmas gnlmes, is that there is some occult side to it, which influences lives hugely and ought to be taken into account if one only knew of it. The basic framework seems to be that the world is of spirit. Watching a music video that fascinates lneself may make one wish to take part in such a performance, kind of try to express one's own version of such, and somehow it gets intertwined with the performer. So it seems that someone who made, perfor.ed in a very much liked music video or somehow sich that other want to take part in it as if in a discussion that is unpbjectively free, the performer seems to have gotten caught in endlessly repeating the same performance, or is it mice or pets or so making the variation to it. Likewise in public visibility, kind of making the official in dight discussions etc of subjects, seems to be like a platform for each one in the audience interested in the subjevt to make their own versions of it and maybe express them somehow via the public forefigure kn it. So such public tasks are only gor the learning of the wide audience, so those aim at using basic flat language, basic school type of rationality etc, while the forefigure hss kind of disappeared under the influrncies. And such seems to be very much the case in tv, to which changing yo internet would smallen the presumed audiences. But anyway, it seems that a public fihure often cannot be a tjinker, instead yhere are the masses' chaos deciding or it's common skill level and viewpoint. Anyway, to elderly often happens that they make something with better quality than as younger  so they too get overrun by the wish of others to speak on top of their subject to practice skills, to get heard, to mention about poinrs to take into account, and so they are not in sight, but instead the people talking are, and so the person in publicity isn't often affecting almist at all, and so the imoressions tell of the discussion nstead of the elderly person, and so the elderly person often gets bypassed. In a video, if one refers to it by song's name or whatever flat short, there often is lots of lufe happening, while in a fact text there maybe isn't almost anything more than the words and the experiences of the readers, so it makes no sense to keep the writer along while reading. 

From my blig LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

About searching for a job

 " In the news there was told about problems in job interviews, about discriminating because of age, pretending applicant's skills to be much lower than they are, other strange comments etc. What I know of academical jobs in the university by having heard from older generation people, for many men such a job is a way to appear convincing and skilled, and so get a family, maybe even more kids, and a position in the society and for that type of educated men to appear militarily convincing enough for the country. So for other types of applicants the wish of those men is that they would seek to classify themselves somehow to the direction of their strenghts and likings compared to this quite large group of men, so for example a more skilled wise one to a more philosophical sounding job, one with a more lively approach to some with flourishing life or teaching of the young or whatever is their characteristic feature. 


From my blig LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

There may be other reasons for emphasizing engineering than the need for engineers

 "  Now as 52 years old and watching things from the points of view of other more complex areas of life. It seems that technology has developed so much during my lufetime, that if already in the 1990's computers were able to develop new math faster than humans, it is likely that niwadays the kind of artistic looks of some superhypercomputer or whatever, serk to explain that engineering really has advanced far, and so one should recheck the need for engineers etc. There surely is a need for user help professionals, and for people liking engineering kinds of things checking that new results too have a human-understandable form. 

But new results seem to be found by some few who are very much so inclined, kibd of trying to learn what kibds of things others invented. And user-friendliness features are needed too. 

But on the whoke it seems that a large part of why engineering studies are too often recommended to those with a good thinkibg ability, is that goibg diligently through too simple theory, that one is not especially motivated toward, be it engineering or school or some other theoretical understabding, makes one typically in the daily lufe speedy and observe quickly and well senses open, at least seen things, which is needed for driving, good at sports, gives good way of makkng observations for more finely tuned wise areas of lufe lije arts, religion, practical life, picture of the workd, etc, which is very much needed instead of yheblurred rough mimics of such ubderstanding and observatiobs. 

The 1940's and the first Moon flight 1969 brought lots of engineering influencies, and so there is a need for a good objective picture of the world with engineering too understood in it. 

See https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/02/about-making-presents.html 

See also https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/09/christmas-elves.html 


26th of March 2024, Tuesday of the Easter week   How to fix a stuck engineer, see MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com 


From my blog LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com 

Feelings increase work efficiency a lot

 See my old blig WorkAndFreeTime.BlogSpot.com 

The position of theoretical texts in the long run * How to bring Art or ideas to the public

 "  "  Mostly my texts are quite theoretical, without so much practical knowledge. It means that once one has read them and underdtood, it is likely that there is no reason to read them again. It also means that if one does not yet have such skills with which to understand them well enough, it makes no sense to read them, since there isn't extra know ledge in them via which to learn some such view in the future, and so it does not make sense to recommend them as some finery, instead ghey are maybe a course book like interesting for some with a certain skill level and interested in certain areas of life and values. 

The paradise theory i.e. efficiency optimising, sounded important when it was somehow lacking from the society's view, but after having written it, it seems jyst one piece of theoretical knowledge, worgh mentioning in some study books of the subject, but not at all enough to fix things well in practice, which means that there is a simikar need for those numerous other things making the world a good place to live in. 

There are only a few books of mine that one might want to read or bladdre through again : Living with the four seasons, Knitting tips, and ghe Finnish indexes of the healing advices. And the translations of some famous old Finnish poems too.

There are also some books of mine that might interest new readers even after some years : "Skills of Christmas gnomes" series, Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living, and the healing advices, both the Finnish and English ones. And maybe some other books or booklets of mine. 

Quite many of my books and booklets at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com 



13th of March 2024   An original idea or a piece of art is very different from a job bringing them to the general public. Like for example postcards from a postcard seller somewhere. If the painter would oneself sell them, the people would like to hear and see the painter's view, yet kind of speak or shout their own views on top of it. While a postcard seller just has many nice postcards and each buyer their own likings and views of them and the areas of life at hand. So always or just about always, it is much better if the public performance is by some worker hired for the job or the like, like someone keeping a course, open to the views and wishes of the students, not being personally tied to the individual pieces of art, ideas or whatever, yet respecting the values of that area of life. 


* *

27th of March 2024, Wednesday of the Easter week   Last Sunday evening I felt as if some had read my texts with a good understanding, maybe read them already earlier and learned, and like kn theoretical study material usually, after one has learned it there is nothibg of interest kn it, if it isn't very well written, and so the texts just felt uninteresting, boring and needless for those who had already read them. So I guess that is what happens with just about all my texts, if the readers are objective enough for my texts to reach them. 


From my blig LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 

Christmas gnomes / elves internet institute

 See http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09 

From the center to the edges is different from from the edges to the center

 "  I was born and lived my youth in Helsinki which is the capital of Finland. When I in my 30's moved first to Espoo in the capital district and after a few years of living there to Savonlinna in eastern Finland, the background of school education and a very much academically inclined environment plus the point of view emphasizing the task of tve capital and of civiliced wisdom caring tjings well for life in the country and in the world, kind of supported much of the lufe and of it's point of view, so that Savonlinna really was a place whete to reach for high culture by writing and learning about making art. 

But if one would try to make art or handicrafts of a countryside town's way of life and have some school too, and then move to the capital, it does not bring the same strenghts, more like claiming is this square ränttätänttä fighting or what, how could one have yesrs of schooling witvout the healthy ways of living and observational skills of the capital and maybe of other big towns? So it seems that such does not carry to the opposite direction. But it of cpurse depends on the subject, what is central and what not. And basic skills are easiedt to learn as a child for using in everythkng,instead of judt passing some test based on having read of such. 


From LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 

Of the peace for Art etc

 "  When I lived in Savonlinna, which is a countryside town famous for it's summer time opera festival, I was surprised of how stuck my own life got from living there, kind of the level of basic life with senses open and actively going to places, safeguarding the healthy wisdom in ways of doing, dropped away, and left only like eating bakery with a cup of milk coffee (as if discussing something like high culture art's value to the younger generation, which was a typical style for my apricot poodle). In the local newspaper I once saw a picture of famous singers, as if produced fine ready product, but what was by the young audience meant to be peace for art, had been replaced by the artists getting totally stuck by living in Savonlinna. So what was meant to be a characteristic of the environment, a requirement for peace and respect for art, had become a style forced upon the artist, removing tge idea in art. The reason for such seems to be too much crime and lies around, both around artists and among artists, which often relates with people being unable to recognize what is wvat, which values each person has and wvat is good quality and wise. One reason for such is peopke getting fed up if there is too much art, so many professiobals, maybe just the educated or people whimsically choosing slme art task, may produce something which lacks the needed valyes. So a better social eye is needed, which is prooably that of people likibg such an area of life, maybe having it as a hobby, but not doibg overly much of it, not in work like or liw quality ways or as fakes. And the educated view needed is largely civiliced values taught in school. In art there are typically ma y people affecting, like someone doing good quality from school's point if view, others stealing the reputatiln, ma y kinds of things wished by the general public and maybe coming to single views of performances egc via spiritual roads, their social environment maybe getting fed up anz sabotaging the clntent and possibilities, someo e getting it as one's job to fix the situation and producing somethkng more product like, less with spirit, and some wanting to kill all inclined toward such areas of life, for example audiences. So it matters who produced what, like the cursor on computer screen, cursing the ones who caused just that thing, word or whatevef, and there really are many things caused. 

See also  https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/03/the-position-of-theoretical-texts-in.html 

and   https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/about-places-suited-to-different.html 

and maybe even the tough but beautiful https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/02/varmlandsvisan-kaunis-kotimaani.html 


From my blig LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 

About institution like working places

 "  I have seldom eaten sur cabbage, which is said to be a traditional Russian or eastern food, bringing vitamins in the winter time, but when I have eaten it I have liked it and eaten really lot, which then has brought bad luck because of it being a product of some institution like working place, which does not suit me, since I need more individualistic ways in practice and a more finery like attitude too. So I have wondered, if the workers there would have a coffee or tea break with some bakery too, kind of old times style with some nice curtains,  maybe a table cloth, a handiwork basket on the table for the bakery or something like a flower pot for decoratiln, would then the workers' work be so respected and the traditilnal ways respected so that they would luft one out of bad luck? 

Working on a product assrmbly line maybe isn'g a capitalist inventiln. It is maybe a Communist inventiln, like we all together could make this work, if each one had a simple enough task, so that they would have time and space for their personal views in just about every occasiln between the simple required thkngs to check. So an elderly could get exercise in needed basic tasks of observing with thesenses like a young person, and a foreigner witjout enough weather skills but motivated toward the local clinate's ways woukd have time tune and retune one's ways of doibg and living again and again toward the local clinate, and so the young too could use their wisdom of lufe to develop in skills. But such ought to be only some weeks, or a part time job for those who need the excercise againand again. But does it work in practice? 

From LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 

Each one cares one's tasks fully

 "  Some 15 to 35 years ago my step mother like mlm, with whom I haven't associated at all lately, said that she had been thinking of ecocars, that such seemed well possible and that there were a few options and tgat some of them seemed better than others. And it really seemed that she had managed to think of such, which was possible partle because she was interested in science. But then she said that I should think of ecocars on my own, that each one should learn how to develop ecocars. But I do not want to be an engineer. I do not feel well in mathematical kinds of things, I do not like tge dangers tgat technllogy creates, my ways of thinkibg are much more suited to thinkibg of the whole world, the society, wisdom of lufe, healthy skills, teaching, eyc. What lne has figured out on one's iwn ought not be made the work of another, much less of all. Only kniwledge can so be oassed, not professional inclinatiln. Learning vasic skills is different from taking such a job. 

As I as a youbg adult tried to learn about different types of people, at studies the hobbies seemed important extra info. At a hobby, the people seemed of different human types, for example of different professions. Yet at social gatherings the professilns and hobbies seemed important reluable info. Yet the people seem so different that if it is a question of arranging something, each one woukd do differently, have different strenghrs, skills, skill level, maybe also values and culture different. So it seems to be that if slmeone takes care of something, one cannot just pass the task to subordinates, colleagues or the like, especiLly if it isn't their job, and prooably they would not be suited to such a jlb.

From my blog LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 

"Solutions are often on different roads, like in different worlds"

  From my blog about trying to solve global warming https://tryingtosolveglobalwarming.blogspot.com : 


    "  As I studied in the university, I wondered why the different sciences sounded like founded by single or a feq single individuals, who seemed to have had a good personal grasp of such things, and seemed to have thought that others would continue similarly with own insight and own strong skills, but in practice it seemed that all good ideas had been exhausted, and all students etc of the following generations did learn the thoughrs taught in the courses but did not figure out anything much on their own in the subjects. 

Likewise I have noticed that like as a child all kuds had their own likibgs which were not so suited for others, also as an adult if one goes along somebody else's work lije perspective, obe jyst gers exhaustez, without getting any new results that way. Unless one changes enturely to one's own roads. So as I yesterday run into the subject apocalypse, I noticed that it was like the views of science fiction boojs: somebody's not-so-well working perspective had taken over, and so there was jyst a disaster left. So always in solving catastrophes, big problems or the lije, check that you do not get stuck ibside some not-so-well solving rigid vuewpoint. Instead try my view of the world being of spirit: 

"  From my text Skills of Christmas gnomes, at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com :

" A80.   30th of June 2019   If the world is of spirit, you can sometimes when you happen to meet something gnome like in your life, in your environment, you can maybe wander to a gnome like world for a while, like for example meeting the weather when you go out and wandering for a while in a world of weather and nature, maybe adding wisdom of life too. Likewise if you run into trouble, that may keep you lingering on a not so nice perspective, as if all were spirit. But if you search for things that usually help out of trouble, like music, religion, better life, civilized wisdom, maybe the medias, then you typically can wander to the worlds they create and leave your troubles behind. Often this demands some energy, so having eaten, preferable good tasting food, often helps doing it's part and bringing life to a gnome like direction, kind of wirh less nuisancies or with less burden from them, more fractureless, more free to invest on hobbies, personal interests, etc, each having theirmoment, their worlds, which can become parts of your daily life and if you much like them somehow parts of your character too.


" Quoten from my blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com 

23rd of April 2024   See also the whole blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com 

About enough money


A22.   Of having written 25 years without pay but very valuable things like my objective paradise theory, feelings etc for computers, the thinking course, advices for living the four seasons, over a thousand seemingly good attempts at advices about healing by healthy natural ways of living, and this five years about Christmas gnome like lufe. Of this I have concluded that working life and money does not work like I was told as younger. Yet I think thst if I do something valuable and good willing in the world  yet comfortable and quite easy st ghe level of individual luves, it does not go completely unobserved, I have some place, and it means that also the use of money goes via some more vague logic than engineering. I guess that for a good cause one can have money but not for unwise life chouces. One is often wanted someshere where one's personal likings and strenghts lead one but one does not necessarily know of such places  since relatives etc are not trustworthy enough to have told even if they knew of such, and maybe they were socially too fifferent. So I feel ghat if one lives in a good way from the point of view of working lufe and the good of the world, wisdom of life, etc and does not check diligently how much money one has one may have enough for such a way of lufe, and maybe one could also make handicrafts that way, like seems adviced by the shopkeeper whose products suit your valyes, but not spending blindly and not too much, just trying a little to see how it works out, but if the money just somehow is enough, maybe the handicrafts are even for free or like works out to where each piece is fairly for the good of the world. But I do not know. The money system cannot work engineer like if one working via the i ternet kn the tropics can save all the heating costs and have lots of superfluous money each month without really being such a good influence to the world. 
Sometimes something is just wanted.

From LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2023/09 

Of the Richest

 "  I once saw a newspaper article of pictures of founders of famous companies, and those seemed to have a way of making certain areas of life work well. Like the founder of Rise Crispies children's mirning cereals foid company had some wisdom with which to make family's mornings work out well, so via his product hemanaged to offer that good side to many who longed for such. I do not temember the others, but those too had slme personal wisdom, which then was offered to the public as a strenght brought by their product.

A moment ago I found this video of the richest families in America, and haven't watched mire than the beginning. But it too seems to bring the impression that those familues had some view, way of lufe, valyes, wisdom, work motivation, a place in the world as social persons, which made some areas of lufe work well, carry well, abd so thry were good influencies for certain kinds of companies or industrues work, for the workers, for support of producing such in practice. And so they were maybe singers or other influence for such professions, but nit necessarily watching tjibgs from the point of view of a leader, more like from the point of view of such profession's good worker. 


15th of April 2024   "Palmistry

 Yesterday in www.YouTube.com I saw recommended a vudeo of palmistry, but did not look at it. It had a picture of a woman and of her palms side by side. And so side by side the person's palms seemed to say, what kibd of workkng lufe she was inclined toward, what kind of content to life and work liad she was good at bearing. And those looked like a queen's hands: eating bakery, getting support from nunns while caring for impirtant matters requiring a very good understanding and high skills, caring for the whole. 

My palms do not look at all like that when I watch them side by side. My palms seem to refer to woodwork and to the life of singing birds, unified with walks in the nature, somewhat like a painting recommends. On the other hand I have never quite understood why one coukd not live one's lufe that way. 

"   From LinksToMyTexts.BlogSpot.com 

The upper line could also be interest in the lufe of male Orthodox monks or priests, kind of with woodwork interest too

My feet 

This video promises to be a palm reading of billionaires, together with teaching signs of tge rich's features



Oh, I did not like that video.

Here is another, I guess made by people who arrange big music concerts. 


There was also a short video of an X singn between these two long lines of one's hand, and as a writer of teaching material in skills, talents and wisdom of life, it brought to mind one's likibgs in lufe experience and ways of living supporting what one had learned from reading wisdom that one is interested in, so one was more talented, more with wisdom of lufe, kibd of better intelligence in learning such higher wusdom. Such is needed here in a cold climate in weather skolls and wisdom of lufe supporting them. 




From my blig LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 

Richest cities in different countries

 "  I just found this video of the richest cities in different countries. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uBhCa9DAFxA 

It is as if the cities depended upon foreigners' idea of whst is a good well workkng version of the local culture, as if it had been kind of filled toward what foreigners considered wise and well workkng, good for working life and culturally flourishing. So maybe such is a good version more widely in the world, and so both internatilnal trade and cultural copying from there work more motivatedly from foreigners far away abroad. 


From my blog LearnTalents2.BlogSpot.com 

Sincere motivation and career

 If one does not feel some type of work or area of life to be right for obeself, one often survives such through cursorily, as if reaching f...